- [playful music] - My first screen name, like my AOL screen name? I still have that screen name. It's still in use. So, it's lilac [bleep]. Should I say that, or are people gonna start sending me weird things in the mail now? - Asheera angel. - [Man] Say it again? Asheera angel. - [Man] Why'd you pick that one? - My friend picked it for me, I was in, like, fifth grade. - I might actually not give you that one, because god knows where that is somewhere online, something searchable. [laughs] - Growing up, my screen name growing up when I first got my computer was Shevonne the princess. Growing up, that was my first screen name. My mom always made me feel like a princess, so I guess that's kind where Shevonne the princess came in, growing up, so that was my screen name. And I used to have a picture of a actual princess on my computer to kinda like, I am the princess, to kinda help me believe it and feel like I am a princess. That's my fondest memory. - Jesus. It was hip flip 988, which has nothing to do with what it sounds like. It's just, like, a short term for Filipino, and you always have to add a number, I guess. - Oh, God. I think it was and one, because I used to love this brand, N1. It was a basketball brand, and I was very much into basketball. And my age, 13, and the year of birth, 86. So, it only really worked in 1999, but yeah. [laughs] - My first screen name was crazy about Bryan. There was a band called B5, and the youngest member, his name was Bryan, and I was really into that. - Yeah, actually I do. My first screen name was for ICQ, and I called myself I M N O K guy. - My first screen name is the same screen name I have now, I think. I was working for a promotional products company, and just selling t-shirts and mugs and golf balls and whatever, and anytime they had a name on something, they had the name Huey Priest. So, I had a lot of shirts and things with Huey Priest on it, this person that may or may not have existed, that was just the name that was put on everything as an example. So, I started using that as a screen name and kinda liked the way it sounded. Used it ever since.